A chemical peel is a safe and reliable way to help rejuvenate the appearance of your skin. It is one of the least invasive ways to treat or prevent the signs of aging skin and can, in most cases, be performed with little or no downtime. Chemical peels can improve acne or acne scars, age and liver spots, freckles, fine lines and wrinkles, irregular pigmentation, rough scaly skin and superficial scars. On the other hand, deep facial lines, loose skin, broken capillaries and deep scars do not respond well to peels.
There are many types of peels, and they are classified according to how deeply they penetrate into the skin’s surface. There are light or superficial peels that impact the outer layer (epidermis) only. Medium peels penetrate the upper portion of the second layer of skin (dermis) and finally the deep peels penetrate to the deep dermis. Peels that extend into the deeper layers of the skin surface will create more dramatic and longer lasting results because they stimulate collagen formation in addition to removing upper layers. As a result deep peels will also involve longer recovery times.