Direct Excision Neck Lift

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This is an excellent procedure to target loose skin and excess fat underneath the chin and in front of the neck. Commonly referred to as the “turkey gobbler deformity”, this condition can add a lot of heaviness and aging to the neck and face. In many cases the excess loose tissue creates a mechanical issue making it difficult or uncomfortable to wear a collar.

This procedure improves the appearance of the neck by tightening the underlying muscles and removing the excess fat and skin. It also restores definition of the jawline and chin, creating a more youthful appearance.

The procedure utilizes a zig zag incision that is made over the midline from  immediately underneath the chin to almost the base of the neck. The width of the incision is based on the amount of skin that needs to be removed.  Excess fat can be easily and precisely removed. The underlying muscles are then tightened. The scar fades over time, and in most cases, is not very noticeable.

This is a great procedure especially for older  men and women, with more wrinkled excess skin, who see this as an isolated problem and are not interested in a more extensive facelift procedure.